Emergency Preparedness
Across the State of Alaska and right here at home in King Cove we face the potential to encounter natural and man-made disasters including; Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Sea Storms, Floods, Avalanches, Landslides, and even Wildfires. This page contains preparedness information specific to our local community.
Some of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected, such as making an emergency supply kit and developing a family communications plan, are the same for both a natural or man-made emergency.
However, there are important differences among potential emergencies that will impact the decisions you make and the actions you take. The Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (AK DHS&EM) has put together an amazing collection of information to help Alaskans “Learn, Prepare, Prevail”. This includes information about the potential emergencies that could happen where you live and the appropriate way to respond to them. Find out more by visiting the AK DHS&EM – Learn, Prepare, Prevail webpage.

In addition to the radio and VHF, advisories are posted to Nixle.com. There are three (3) ways to receive alerts from Nixle
- Use this link to access the king Cove “Nixle Wire”, an online web based feed of all published alerts. https://local.nixle.com/zipcode/99612/
- Sign-up to receive notifications directly to your email by creating a Nixle account using this link. https://local.nixle.com/register/
- Receive alerts via text message on your cell phone by texting “99612” to 888777.
Tsunami Sirens
King Cove currently has one (1) tsunami evacuation sirens located in the community.
- Testing – Siren is tested every day at noon with chimes, and on the first Monday of every month at 1:00pm. With instructions on what to do in the event of a Tsunami
- Evacuation – Immediately evacuate to high ground if the siren activate for several minutes or following an earthquake strong enough to knock you off of your feet and lasting longer than 30 seconds.
- Do not wait for siren activation in the event of an earthquake lasting over 30 seconds or that knocks you off your feet.
- Understanding Siren Activations
- Evacuate – Continuous siren
- All Clear – Will be sent over Nixel and VHF radio